Let’s Get it “Write” Blogs


Suzan wearing a hat

Suzan wearing hat with hats in background

Embrace Your Many Hats: Let’s Get it ‘Write’ Today!

Ladies, let’s talk about the many hats we wear. Yes, we are moms, entrepreneurs, pastors, wives, and so much more. We juggle countless roles every day, and sometimes, it feels like we’re doing too much. Maybe you set out to become an author but haven’t reached that goal because you were told, “That’s too much,” or “People don’t read books anymore,” or “That field is too saturated.” The truth is, the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dreams is often yourself. So, what’s holding you back from being all that you can be? Is it yourself? When will you stop making excuses and just be? Be what you know you were called to be. We have just one life to live, and none of us knows our expiration date. I’m not suggesting you be unwise and try to do everything all at once, but if you’re in a season where you can pursue multiple passions, why not go for it? Write down all your goals, set deadlines, and get started. As your writing coach and editor extraordinaire, I’m here to encourage you to “Get it ‘Write'”! And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Whatever it is you’re pursuing, invest the time and money to get there. Seek out mentors who can guide you along the way. If you’re still deciding whether to work with me to write that book or finally bring that manuscript to life, ask yourself, “What’s standing in my way?” Is it yourself? It’s time to do what it takes to wear your hats with pride. Let no one, not even you, stop you from wearing the hat you’re meant to wear. Your life is waiting. So let’s go. “Let’s Get it ‘Write'” today!

Dr. Suzan Thompson is an author, writing coach, and editor. She has taught ELA/Literature and language arts for 20 years in the public schools and online. She also co-pastors with her husband at Deeper Church in Dallas GA. Together, she and her husband have three sons, Jaiden (17), Nathaniel (16), and RJ (9).